Ostateczna wersja opublikowana: data udostępnienia w momencie opublikowania 21 grudnia 2018 (Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL).
1. T.C. Adefokun, D.O. Ajayi: On Maximum Induced Matching Numbers of Special Grids
2. W. Al Sayed, M.A. Darwish: On the Existence of Solutions of a Perturbed Functional Integral Equation in the Space of Lebesgue Integrable Functions on R+
5. P.V. Danchev: A Characterization of Weakly J(n)-Rings
6. V.U. Ekhosuehi, F.O. Chete: On Population Dynamics with Campaign on Contraception as Control Strategy
7. A. Esi, N. Subramanian: Some Triple Difference Rough Cesàro and Lacunary Statistical Sequence Spaces
8. M. Gözen, C. Tunç: On the Exponential Etability of a Neutral Differential Equation of First Order
10. A. Jamel: The Real and Complex Convexity
12. I. Qasim, T. Rasool, A. Liman: Location of Zeros of Lacunary-type Polynomials
13. I. Qasim, T. Rasool, A. Liman: Number of Zeros of a Polynomial (Lacunary-type) in a Disk
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