Types of articles
Two types of articles will be accepted for publication, namely research articles and review articles. The authors are obligated to select the kind of their articles (research or review). Manuscript, written in English and prepared using LaTeX, may be submitted to the Editorial Office or one of the Editors or members of the Editorial Board. Electronic submission of pdf file is required.
The autors should use the template.
- Manuscripts should be written in English.
- The first page should contain:
- title,
- name(s) of author(s),
- abstract not exceeding 200 words,
- primary and secondary 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification codes,
- list of key words and phrases. - Manuscripts should be prepared using TeX (LaTeX) on one side of A4 (recommended format: 12-point type, including references, text width 12.5 cm, length 19 cm).
- Authors' affiliations and full addresses (with e-mail addresses) should be given at the end of the article.
- Figures, if not prepared using TeX, must be provided electronically in one of the following formats: EPS, CorelDraw, PDF, JPG, GIF.
- References should be arranged in alphabetical order and prepared according to the examples given below. Abbreviations of journal names should follow Mathematical Reviews.
[6] D. Beck, Introduction to Dynamical System, Progr. Math. 54, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1978.
[7] R. Hill, A. James, A new index formula, J. Geometry 15 (1982) 19-31.
[8] J. Kowalski, Some remarks on J(X), in: Algebra and Analysis (Edmonton, 1973), E. Brook (ed.), Lecture Notes in Math. 867, Springer, Berlin, 1974, 115-124.
After the acceptance of the paper the authors will be asked to transmit the final source TeX file and pdf file corrected according to the reviewers’ suggestions to jma@prz.edu.pl.
Galley proofs
The galley proofs will be sent electronically to the corresponding author/authors. Any other amendments shall be limited to minimum. In case the amendments are not made sufficiently rapidly, the paper will be published in the version submitted earlier .