Strona: JMA vol.42 / Journal of Mathematics and Applications

JMA vol.42

JMA vol.42 (2019)

The final version published: date of availability at the moment of publishing 31 july 2019 (Open Access CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL).

1. A. Alahmari, M. Mabrouk, M.-A. Taoudi: Fixed Point Theorems for Monotone Mappings in Ordered Banach Spaces Under Weak Topology Features

2. A. Auwalu, E. Hinçal, L.N. Mishra: On Some Fixed Point Theorems for Expansive Mappings in Dislocated Cone Metric Spaces with Banach Algebras

3. B. Basti, Y. Arioua, N. Benhamidouche: Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Nonlinear Katugampola Fractional Differential Equations

4. B. Belaïdi: Fast Growing Solutions to Linear Differential Equations with Entire Coefficients Having the Same ρφ-order

5. S. Çakan, Y. Yılmaz: A Generalization of the Hahn-Banach Theorem in Seminormed Quasilinear Spaces

6. W.G. El-Sayed, A.A.H. Abd El-Mowla: Nonincreasing Solutions for Quadratic Integral Equations of Convolution Type

7. V.K. Jain: On the Maximum Modulus of a Polynomial

8. O. Karakurt, Ö.F. Temizer: The Existence of Monotonic Solutions of a Class of Quadratic Integral Equations of Volterra Type

9. A. Mir, A. Ahmad, A.H. Malik: Number of Zeros of a Polynomial in a Specific Region with Restricted Coefficients

10. V. Romanuke: A Minimax Approach to Mapping Partial Interval Uncertainties into Point Estimates

11. S. Uçar, N.Y. Özgür: Finite Blaschke Products and Decomposition


The articles are distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL).

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p-ISSN 1733-6775

e-ISSN 2300-9926


The Journal of Mathematics and Applications (JMA) is a continuation of Scientific Research Papers of Rzeszów University of Technology. The series Mathematics and Physics was issued from 1984 to 1993, whereas the series Mathematics was issued from 1993 to 2004 – 27 issues in total. Subsequently, this publishing house was transformed into self-reliant publishing house under the name Journal of Mathematics and Applications (subject to the foregoing numeration). The first issue of that journal appeared in 2006. In 2020 vol. 43 of Journal of Mathematics and Applications was issued.

The version of the original articles is a printed version.
At the end of each scientific research paper will be given websites, which are available:

  • reviewing rules,
  • information and instructions for authors,
  • review form,
  • contact information for the editorial office and the publisher.

 The Journal of Mathematics and Applications is indexed in the databases: MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews), BazTech and Index Copernicus (ICV 2019: 96.16).

Publishing House of Rzeszów University of Technology – JMA



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