Strona: JMA vol.40 / Journal of Mathematics and Applications

JMA vol.40

JMA vol.40 (2017)

1. Z.S. Ali: De la Vallée Poussin Summability, the Combinatorial Sum  wzor.jpgand the de la Vallée Poussin Means Expansion

2. J. Banaś, M. Kot: On Regulated Functions

3. A. Boudaoui, A. Slama: Existence and Controllability Results for Sobolev-type Fractional Impulsive Stochastic Differential Equations with Infinite Delay

4. C. Dharuman, J.R. Graef, E. Thandapani, K.S. Vidhyaa: Oscillation of Second Order Difference Equation with a Sub-linear Neutral Term

5. S. Dudek: Measures of Noncompactness in a Banach Algebra and Their Applications

6. A.M.A. El-Sayed, W.G. El-Sayed, A.A.H. Abd El-Mowla: Weak Solutions of Fractional Order Differential Equations via Volterra-Stieltjes Integral Operator

7. V.K. Jain: On the Derivative of a Polynomial with Prescribed Zeros

8. M.M.A. Metwali: On Some Qualitative Properties of Integrable Solutions for Cauchy-type Problem of Fractional Order

9. N. Rao, A. Wafi, Deepmala: Approximation by Szász Type Operators Including Sheffer Polynomials

10. S. Reich, A.J. Zaslavski: Ergodic Properties of Random Infinite Products of Nonexpansive Mappings

11. P. Sahoo: Fekete-Szegö Problems for Certain Class of Analytic Functions Associated with Quasi-Subordination

12. S.K. Sharma, A. Esi: Some Strongly Almost Summable Sequence Spaces

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